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Remington Model 580 Serial Numbers


Remington Model 37 Serial Numbers

Remington BarrelDate CodeFIREARMS INFORMATIONRemington never (.) used serial numbers to identify the date of manufacture ofit's firearms, they however stamped a date code (spelled out below) by the firstletter meaning the month and the last letter the year of manufacture.BARREL DATE CODE - stampedexposed on LH top rear of barrel after 1920the followingwill only be stamped where applicable#2 Part order barrel(not originally assembled to firearm)#3 Service section received#4 Return as received#5 Employee saleR.E.P. On the RH side ofthe barrel will be a Magnaflux, Remington proof & a test markIf a gun is returned to the factory as a fire damaged,or blown up firearm, the factory will stamp it as a prefix to their date code with a #4 on the barreland returnit un-repaired. Here the Rrepresents November, & the ZZ would be 1953. The fourth digitbeing a 3 is inconsequential being an assembly number. There is noinspector mark on this side.Here the first (LH) mark is the finalinspector mark, the O represents July, the R would be 1968.And the F again being an assembly number.JANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDECBLACKPOWDERX1920 = L1930 = Y1940 = J1950 = WW1921 = M1931 = Z1941 = K1951 = XX1922 = N1932 = A1942 = L1952 = YY1923 = P1933 = B1943 = MM1953 = ZZ1924 = R1934 = C1944 = NN1954 = A (JAN. AA)1925 = S1935 = D1945 = PP1955 = B1926 = T1936 = E1946 = RR1956 = C1927 = V1937 = F1947 = SS1957 = D1928 = W1938 = G1948 = TT1958 = E1929 = X1939 = H1949 = UU1959 = F1960 = G1970 = T1980 = A1990 = K1961 = H1971 = U1981 = B1991 = L1962 = J1972 = W1982 = C1992 = M1963 = K1973 = X1983 = D1993 = N1964 = L1974 = Y1984 = E1994 = O1965 = M1975 = Z1985 = F1995 = P1966 = N1976 = I1986 = G1996 = Q1967 = P1977 = O1987 = H1997 = R1968 = R1978 = Q1988 = I1998 = S1969 = S1979 = V1989 = J.1999 = T(.) On 8/9/99,they stopped stampingthe barrels with the date code. They however continued to mark the date code onthe end flap of the shipping box for shotgun barrels however.


Remington Model 580


They plannedon using just the serial numbers to tell when the gun was manufactured. Sothere was a 2 year gap in rifle date coded barrels and the normal consumer, orgunsmith would have to contact the factory for this information. Theythen saw the error of their ways apparently because of being inundated by phonecalls and resumed stamping the date code on the barrel on 10/1/01.2000 = U2006 = D2012 = J2018 = P.2001 = V2007 = E2013 = K2019 = Q2002 = W2008 = F2014 = L2020 = R2003 = A2009 = G2015 = M2021 = S2004 = B2010 = H2016 = N2022 = T2005 = C2011 = I2017 = O2023 = UYou will notice the year code repeats itself, butover 20 years difference, so even if it was used on the same model, in alllikelihood sights or stocks would be different which would indicate thedifferent date. You will also notice the month code spelling outBLACKPOWDERX, this is a common code in the firearms industry. Also someletters were left out if there was a chance of misidentifying a date.